Iterations focus the team on delivering incremental value to stakeholders in a predictable manner. 迭代重点强调小组以可预言的方式向利益关系者交付增量值。
The first one is that you want to deliver incremental value to enable early and continuous feedback. 首先,你想要交付增量价值来获得早期的和连续的反馈。
The same principles of iterative and risk-driven development can be successfully applied to help the team focus on delivering incremental value. 迭代与风险驱动开发的相同原则可以被成功地应用,并有助于团队集中关注交付增量价值的问题。
Show some incremental value along the way. 一步一步地显示递增的价值。
Performance measurement ( PM) is challenged by the change of economic circumstances, the development of management theory, and the requirement of stakeholders. These challenges can be concluded to three basic questions: How to support the realization of incremental value ( IV) target? 企业绩效评价面临着经济环境变迁、管理理论发展和利益相关者需求的挑战,这些挑战可以归结为三个基本问题:绩效评价体系如何支持价值增长目标的实现?
The objective of internal control is to maximize enterprise's value and internal control helps the realization of incremental value of enterprise's value chain as a whole. 内部控制体现价值链管理理论的基本内涵,实现企业价值最大化构成内部控制的目标,内部控制可以实现企业价值链整体增值。
Study of the Quantity of Incremental Value in Real Estate 物业增值数量的研究
This paper finds that the PRC GAAP earnings is similar to IAS earnings in terms of the value relevance, and the IAS operating profit is incremental value relevant to that of PRC GAAP, simultaneously the PRC GAAP non-persistent profit is incremental value relevant to that of IAS. 文章发现PRCGAAP和IAS会计盈余的价值相关性差异并不明显,IAS的营业利润能够为PRCGAAP提供增量的价值相关性,而PRCGAAP的非持续性利润能够为IAS提供增量的价值相关性。
The formulas to calculate the incremental value for each type of real estate are different from others. 不同物业增值指标的计算公式不同;
Study on the Valuation Method of Incremental Value in Commercial Bank 商业银行价值增长评估方法研究
In this paper, we show that cash flow is the source of the incremental value, and from quality and quantity side the value can be objective evaluation. 本文对公司价值增长根源进行分析,揭示现金流量是价值增长的源泉,指出从数量和质量两方面才能客观评价。
The thought of inflation proof and incremental value of property right is the theme of the development of the accounting thought. 产权的保值和增值思想是中国当代会计思想发展的主题。
How to link performance evaluation with long term incremental value? 绩效评价体系如何支持价值增长目标的实现?
In the area of labour theory, knowledge property can be recognized in various levels among which an important theory is Incremental Value theory. 在劳动理论视野中,知识产权可以从不同的层面加以认识,其中增加价值理论是一种重要的理论,它在一定程度上反映了知识产权制度的本质。
How to combine the two index systems? How to meet the incremental value information requirement of all stakeholders? 如何将财务评价指标与非财务评价指标有机地结合起来,以体现价值增长的信息来满足利益相关者的需要?
EVA Performance measurement method of Commercial Banks Research Based on Incremental Value 基于价值增长的商业银行EVA评价方法思考
In the practice of the model, the article explore tentative modification on the selection of parameter with considering the characteristics of the operating in commercial bank, in order to reflect the real incremental value more veritably. 在实物期权的应用中,根据商业银行的特点,对增长期权模型参数的选取进行了探索性的修正,以求更加真实地反映商业银行的价值增长。
Theory of Incremental Value: A Recognization Model of Justness of Knowledge Property 增加价值论:知识产权正当性的一种认知模式
A Mathematical Model and Analysis of Relationship Between Theoretical Price Readjustment and Incremental Value Readjustment 理论价格调整与增加价值调整关系的一个数学模型及分析
Some thoughts on Calculation of the norm of incremental value 关于增加值指标计算问题的思考
An Evaluation Model of Incremental Value for Pubic Company under Creative Accounting 创造会计背景下公司价值增长评价模型研究
Research on Current Incremental Tax Burden Unfairness and the Reform of Chinese Incremental Value Tax System 现行增值税税负不公及增值税制改革研究
The approaches to recognize the Incremental Value theory are: the creative labour of intelligence is social labour, which decides the social characters of intelligence product; 知识产权的增加价值理论主要可以从以下几点加以认识:智力创造性劳动是社会性劳动,这决定了智力产品或者说知识产品具有社会产品的性质;
When the capital is sensitive to the incremental value in different investment areas, it will make a goal of maximizing profits and need the financial system to meet their changing needs. Thus the extent of meeting needs determines the effect of capital on the economy. 当资本对投资增值差异敏感的时候,其不断追求效率、实现利润最大化的目标就产生对金融体系服务日新月异的需求,金融体系对其需求的满足程度决定了资本对经济的作用效果。
To Examine the Effect of International Harmonization under the New Chinese Accounting Standards, the paper uses the sample of AB listed companies between the year of 2001 and 2007 to investigate the trend of the incremental value relevance changing of reconciliation information. 为了评价2006年新会计准则的国际协调效果,论文以2001-2007年深沪AB股公司为样本,对双重披露制度下中国会计准则与国际会计准则差异调节信息的增量价值相关性进行了分阶段检验。
Firstly, based on total sample, this paper uses the Olson price model to test the fair value actually has incremental value relevance through the analysis of correlation between DFVPS and a share price. 该部分首先运用奥尔森的价格模型,在总样本的基础上,通过对每股公允价值变动损益项目与股价的相关系数的分析,检验公允价值确实具有增量价值相关性的结论。
The paper explains that the fair value does have incremental value relevance and the corporate life cycle affects the fair value using normative and empirical research methods. 本文采用规范研究和实证研究相结合的研究方法解释说明公允价值具有增量价值相关性和企业生命周期对公允价值相关性的影响。
Hypothesis 4: The influence of income tax accounting standards for earnings per share has incremental value relevance of accounting information. 假设4:所得税会计准则对每股收益的影响具有增量的会计信息价值相关性。
In addition, within each RTT the incremental value of the congestion window size also made the appropriate changes, it can be a better solution to the slow start-up phase of their problems. 另外对每个RTT内拥塞窗口大小的增量值也做了适当的修改,它能够比较好的解决其在慢启动阶段存在的问题。
Society and economy require package design have incremental value. 同时具有可增值价值的包装设计历久弥坚。